- Birthday: October 3, 1950
- Birth Place: Glendale, California
- Pamela grew up in Los Angeles, California.
- Pamela's father maintains a thriving veterinary practice in Coldwater
Canyon, CA where his
- patients include Pamela's Persian cats, "Hot Tin" and "Roof."
- Pamela attended the Argyle Academy, then won an audition with the
world-famous Royal
- Academy of Dramatic Arts in London. After three years of intensive
theatrical training, she felt she was at last ready to challenge her
home town of Los Angeles, CA.
- Universal signed her to a seven year contract.
- Pamela's mother is actress Gail Kent and her father is Dr. John Hensley,
a veterinarian.
Starring Roles
- Matt Houston (1982) - C.J. Parsons
- 240-Robert (1979) - Deputy Sandy Harper
- Kingston: Confidential (1977) - Beth Kelly
- Marcus Welby, M.D. (1969) - Janet Blake (1975-76)
Guest Starring Roles
- The Love Boat - - Hong Kong Cruise: Polly's Poker Palace/Shop Ahoy/Double
Date/The Hong
- Kong Affair/Two Tales of a City (2) (1984)
- The Love Boat - - Hong Kong Cruise: Polly's Poker Palace/Shop Ahoy/Double
Date/The Hong
- Kong Affair/Two Tales of a City (1) (1984)
- Hotel - Brooke Whitfield - Passages (1984)
- Fantasy Island - Linda Whitney - The Curse of the Moreaus / My Man
Friday (1982)
- Battle of the Network Stars - NBC Team - Special #8 (1980)
- Buck Rogers in the 25th Century - Princess Ardala - Flight of the
War Witch (2) (1980)
- Buck Rogers in the 25th Century - Princess Ardala - Flight of the
War Witch (1) (1980)
- Buck Rogers in the 25th Century - Princess Ardala - Ardala Returns
- Buck Rogers in the 25th Century - Princess Ardala - Escape From Wedded
Bliss (1979)
- Buck Rogers in the 25th Century - Princess Ardala - Awakening (1)
- Buck Rogers in the 25th Century - Princess Ardala - Awakening (2)
- Vegas - Valerie Kemmet - Ghost of the Ripper (1979)
- Battle of the Network Stars - NBC Team - Special #5 (1978)
- The Six Million Dollar Man - Cynthia Grayland - Sharks (2) (1977)
- The Six Million Dollar Man - Cynthia Grayland - Sharks (1) (1977)
- The Six Million Dollar Man - Jenny Nicholas - The Ultimate Imposter
- The Rockford Files - Jennifer Ryburn - Say Goodbye to Jennifer (1975)
- Lucas Tanner - - Thirteen Going on Twenty (1974)
- McMillan and Wife - Gwyneth Jerome - Downshift to Danger (1974)
- Kojak - Delta - Death is Not a Passing Grade (1974)
- Get Smart - Agent 36 - The Nude Bomb
Movie/Mini-Series/Special Roles
- Double Exposure (1993) - Sgt. Fontain
- The Nude Bomb (1980) - Agent 35
- Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze - (1975) - Mona