Not much is known about this piece. However, what is known is that
there are not that many out there. This lunchbox is HIGHLY sought after
by lunchbox collectors.
Only a handful of these were produced by Aladdin Industries for trade
shows. The television series was cancelled before this lunchbox ever saw
a mass production run. It is believed that only 5 of these lunchboxes
were ever made!
240-Robert Lunchbox
photos below provided by Jim Wheeler
General Foreman, Lunchbox Manufacturing Area
Aladdin Lunchboxes

Back Lid

Front Side Top

Back Side Bottom

Right Side

Left Side

Jim Wheeler
General Foreman, Lunchbox Manufacturing Area
Aladdin Lunchboxes
(15 year employee)
"I worked for Aladdin as General Foreman of the lunchbox manufacturing
area - very interesting job. Due to long lead times for artwork and metal
work, the marketing executives would have to make license purchase decisions
long before a new [TV] show hit the airwaves. They decided to purchase
the lunchbox license for 240-Robert. We only made a few of each new kit
for the housewares show in Chicago and 240-Robert was cancelled before
the show was held, so only a handful were made," said Jim Wheeler.
"Prior to the Housewares Show where our line would be displayed
and marketed, our manufacturing line would make a handful of all the new
lunchboxes. Such was the case for 240-Robert. I would guess there were
around 4-6 made, but I don't have the slightest idea if any others still
exist," said Jim Wheeler.
"However, the show [240-Robert] was cancelled and the lunchbox never
hit the market," said Jim Wheeler.
"I purchased this lunchbox in our Company Store shortly thereafter
and have owned it ever since," said Jim Wheeler.
Extremely rare 240-Robert Lunchbox ; |
Jim Wheeler's extremely rare 240-Robert Lunchbox sold on eBay in June
2001 for a whopping $5,222.00.
Here is the eBay auction results: |
Collector Joe Soucy's mint prototype lunchbox #1 was listed on eBay in May 2019, but the auction was ended early and the lunchbox was sold privately. Here is the eBay auction listing: |
240-Robert Lunchbox
- Paper Proof
Original Paper Proof Sheet for the 1979 "240 ROBERT"
lunchbox made by Aladdin Industries. This single sheet shows the front,
back and sideband of the lunchbox. It measures 22" x 33". This
is an exact duplicate of the steel proof sheets that were actually used
to make the lunchboxes only it's paper. The paper is poster paper - like
the kind of poster you would hang on your bedroom wall. The actual lunchbox
pictures on the proof are lunchbox size. Colors are bright and unfaded,
no rips or tears (one of the corners is bent). This item is a PRINT and
not original painted artwork. This is a very rare item.
Lunchbox Paper Proof

Lid (Lunchbox Paper Proof)

Back Lid (Lunchbox Paper Proof)

Right Side (Lunchbox Paper Proof)

Left Side (Lunchbox Paper Proof)
Back Side Bottom (Lunchbox Paper Proof)
Extremely rare 240-Robert Lunchbox Paper Proof ;
sold on eBay in October 2006 for $721.11.
Here is the eBay auction results: |
Another sold on eBay in June 2008 for $611.01
Here is the eBay auction results: |
Re-sold on eBay in May 2019 for $1425.00.
Here is the eBay auction results: |

240-Robert Lunchbox
- Original Painted Artwork (Sideband only)
Original painted artwork "sideband" for the 1979
"240 ROBERT" lunchbox made by Aladdin Industries. This single
sheet shows the "sideband" only of the lunchbox. It measures
10" x 46". This is an original hand-painted artwork piece that
would later be used to make the paper proof sheet (see above). The artwork
is done on lightweight illustration board, and then glued to heavy duty
illustration board. The artwork is in two pieces, divided in the center.
It is dated 11/8/79. It is covered with a piece clear cellophane, then
a brown paper protective sheet. The cellophane is brittle, and torn in
a few places. The brown protective paper sheet has some tears, and one
corner missing. The artwork itself is in perfect condition. The actual
"sideband" artwork is larger than lunchbox size. Colors are
bright and unfaded, no rips or tears. This item is an original painted
artwork. This is a one-of-a-kind extremely rare item.
Lunchbox Original Painted Artwork (Sideband Only)

Extremely rare 240-Robert Lunchbox Original Painted Artwork (Sideband
Only) ; |
Sold on eBay in February 2007 for $1,225.00.
Here is the eBay auction results: |
Collector Joe Soucy's re-sold on eBay in May 2019 for $1,500.00.
Here is the eBay auction results: |
Extremeley Rare 240-Robert Lunchbox (Replica) |
Replica lunchbox #1 show with custom thermos #1
created by artist Rick Nucci.
August 2024. |
Replica lunchbox #2 shown with custom thermos #2
created by artist Rick Nucci.
August 2024. |
Replica lunchbox #1 shown with custom thermos #1
(thermos design 1)
created by artist
Rick Nucci.
August 2024.
Replica custom
thermos #1
(thermos design 1)
created by artist
Rick Nucci.
August 2024.
Replica new custom
thermos #1 (thermos design 2)
created by artist
Rick Nucci.
September 2024.
Replica lunchbox #1 shown with custom thermos #1
(thermos design 2)
created by artist Rick Nucci.
Replica lunchbox #1 shown with custom thermoses #1
(thermos design 1 on right
& design 2 on left)
created by artist Rick Nucci.
Replica lunchbox #2
shown with custom
thermos #2 (thermos design 1)
created by artist
Rick Nucci.
August 2024.
Replica lunchbox #2
shown with new custom
thermos #2 (thermos design 2)
created by artist Rick Nucci.
September 2024.
Replica custom thermos (design 2)
created by artist Rick Nucci.
Mockup Design - September 2024.
For more information on replica lunchboxes contact artist
Rick Nucci via Facebook.

Click photo to enlarge.