Original 240-Robert costume jacket worn by Mark Harmon
while portraying the character Deputy Dwayne Thibideax.
The jacket was manufactured by the Woolrich Company
and is in remarkable shape for being over 25 years old!

Original 240-Robert Windbreaker crew jacket (Size XL) worn by a member
of the 240-Robert film crew.
The Rosner/Filmways logo on the front was the production company
who filmed 240-Robert.
Rick Rosner is the creator of 240-Robert as well as the
tv show C.H.i.P.s.

The above crew jacket photos are courtesy of Ryck
The extremely rare 240-Robert Windbreaker crew jacket (Size Small)
was for sale on eBay in April 2007.
Here is the eBay auction information:

Replica 240-Robert T-Shirt like the ones worn by a member of the 240-Robert
film crew.
240-Robert logo (front) and helicopter with deputies hanging from
skids (back).

Note: Original 240-Robert film crew member wearing T-Shirt
in photo above.
See more crew photos in the Behind-The-Scenes
If you have any wardrobe items
that you would like displayed here,
then please email me. Thank
Click photos to enlarge.