16 Magazine
(February 1980)
Mark Harmon article inside.

16 Magazine
(March 1980)
16 Magazine "TV SCRAPBOOK contest"
in back of magazine.
Someone has the EXTREMELY hard-to-find "240-Robert Scrapbook"
in their closet.

16 Magazine
(April 1980)
John Bennett Perry and Mark Harmon article inside.

16 Magazine
(May 1980)
240-Robert article inside.
16 Magazine
(June 1980)
Mark Harmon article inside, photo
and "personal interview"

16 Magazine
(June 1981)
Mark Harmon article inside. Photo of Mark Harmon
as Deputy Field Carlyle from Flamingo Road tv series.

16 Magazine
(August 1981)
Stephan Burns "TV
Newcomer" article inside.

Tiger Beat Super Special
(September 1979)
Mark Harmon article inside.

Tiger Beat Super Special
(December-January 1979)
Mark Harmon article inside.

Tiger Beat
(October 1979)
John Bennett Perry article inside.

Tiger Beat Special
Mark Harmon article inside.

Teen Beat
(March 1980)
240-Robert article inside.

Teen Beat
Stephan Burns article inside.

unknown magazine
Mark Harmon pictures inside from 240-Robert (front and
back sides of page).

Caption reads, "John Bennett Perry, Joanna
Cassidy and Mark Harmon's '240-Robert' has been cancelled, but they'll
be friends forever."
unknown magazine
Mark Harmon article inside.
unknown magazine
Mark Harmon article inside.

Teen Magazine
Mark Harmon 8.5" x 11" full page color picture
inside from 240-Robert.

Jet Magazine
(October 4, 1979)
LewSaunders as Deputy C.B. Harris picture inside from
Search & Rescue Magazine
(Fall 1979) (click here for the full magazine .pdf)
240-Robert article - page 4 (.PDF)

Search & Rescue Magazine
(Winter 1979 / Spring 1980 / Summer 1980) (click here for the full magazine .pdf)
240-Robert review & letter to the editor- page 5 (.PDF)

Search & Rescue Magazine
(Fall 1980) (click here for the full magazine .pdf)
240-Robert letter to the editor- page 9 (.PDF)

Search & Rescue Magazine
(Fall 1981) (click here for the full magazine .pdf)
*note: no 240-Robert articles in this issue (.PDF)

Van-Pickup Magazine
(March 1980)
Emergency Service Vehicles of the Los Angeles County Sheriff Emergency Services Detail (E.S.D.)
Photo of real-life Deputy Jim Seulke also from 240-Robert.

Diez Minutos magazine (translates to Ten Minutes)
(May 4, 1980)
Spanish magazine from Madrid, Barcelona with John Bennett
Perry and Joanna Cassisdy article inside.
BONUS: 240-Robert 2-page cast poster inside.

Note: Article written in Spanish.
Lecturas magazine (translates to Readings)
(March 28, 1980)
Spanish magazine from Madrid, Barcelona with John Bennett
Perry article inside.

Note: Article written in Spanish.
Lecturas magazine (translates to Readings)
(April 4, 1980)
Spanish magazine from Madrid, Barcelona with Joanna
Cassidy article inside.

Note: Article written in Spanish.
Lecturas magazine (translates to Readings)
(April 11, 1980)
Spanish magazine from Madrid, Barcelona with Mark Harmon
article inside.
Note: Article written in Spanish.
iHola! magazine (translates to Hello)
(June 10, 1980)
Spanish magazine from Madrid, Barcelona with Joanna
Cassidy & Mark Harmon articles inside.
Note: Article written in Spanish.
Semana magazine (translates to Week)
(March 1, 1980)
Spanish magazine from Madrid, Barcelona with article
inside stating that 240-Robert is a new series in substitution of Gibbsville.

Note: Article written in Spanish.
Japanese magazine
(unknown year)
Japanese magazine from Japan with 240-Robert article

Note: Article written in Japanese.
My Guy magazine
(November 22, 1980)
British magazine from London, England with article inside
on Mark Harmon.

My Guy magazine
(October 24, 1981)
British magazine from London, England with article inside
on Mark Harmon.

Click photos to enlarge.